January 2021

Cigar Wrappers: Why You Should Judge Your Cigar By Its Cover

There is more you should consider when buying cigars for the first time. The initial attributes you should look at when choosing your cigar include the color and the exterior’s sheen. Cigar wrappers may look like a marketing tool for cigar shops and cigar makers. Still, most cigar lovers will tell you that it plays a […]

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Scotch or Bourbon: How Do You Spot the Difference in these Two Drinks?

The world goes round when you mention whisky or whiskey on a dining table. There are different whiskey types, but two drinks stand out from the rest; scotch and bourbon. The first step to enjoying any type of drink is to learn something unique about it, like its origin and ingredients used in making it.

Scotch or Bourbon: How Do You Spot the Difference in these Two Drinks? Read More »